Congenital Cardiac Disease Week
/As many of you know, Pete’s death at such a young age was tied to the fact that he had a congenital cardiac defect. Many young patients never make it to adulthood, but for those who do, there are a unique set of issues dealing with a childhood problem in the body of an adult. Because of all the medical headway made in the last 40 years, these patients are living longer and longer, but the research can’t keep up. The Pete Huttlinger Fund for Adult Congenital Cardiac Research is based at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and was founded by Pete’s wife Erin, and his longtime friend and doctor, Frank Fish. The doctors from Vanderbilt saved Pete’s life countless times over the years. It’s important that they have funds for research and training so they can save even more lives and allow these people to live even longer. Everyone has a lot to offer the universe, I know Pete did. He was lost too early, but these funds will allow others to continue making their own kind of music for years to come. It’s National Heart Month and Congenital Heart Disease Week. If you’d like to contribute you can go to “Pete’s Fund” on this website. Thank you!