R E G I S T R A T I O N I S O P E N !

The Pete Huttlinger Guitar & Fly Fishing Camp has become a staple in the world of acoustic music camps. The world-renowned guitarist loved to teach, to jam, and to fly fish. So, in 2014 he and his wife Erin figured out a way to combine all three of his loves, and the camp idea was born.  They chose the perfect spot—Music Ranch Montana, just outside of Livingston, Montana. A beautiful ranch nestled in Paradise Valley in the Absaroka Mountain Range and just north of Yellowstone National Park. After Pete passed away in 2016, Erin decided to continue hosting the camp as Pete would want all of us to keep making music together!


This camp is for players ranging from Intermediate Beginner to Intermediate Advanced. If you aren’t sure what level you are, just send us a note and we can help you with that determination.

The camp is 4 days long—3 days of clinics and 1 full day of a guided fly fishing trip on the Yellowstone River. You don’t even have to know how to fly fish! No gear or experience is required. We partner with Yellowstone Anglers, one of the finest outfitters in all of Montana. They provide everything you’ll need, from the boat, to the guide, to the license.

During the 3 days of clinics, students will spend half of the time with one instructor, and then after lunch break, switch to the other instructor. This offers a variety of styles and music over the course of the week.

Your fee includes: 3 days of classes, meals, guided fly fishing and gear, binder of music, and a camp t-shirt.

And there’s loads of free stuff from our sponsors—gift bags, t-shirts and drawings for all sorts of prizes.

(No guitars were harmed in the shooting of this photo)




(subject to change)

A minimum of 15 students is required.


Arrive in Livingston. Wine & cheese reception in the evening.


at Music Ranch Montana

Class – 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

Lunch – 1:00 pm

Class – 2:30 – 5:00 pm

Dinner – 5:30 pm




We have a special group rate from the Fairfield by Marriott. $219/night plus tax. We’ll make the reservation for you to make sure you get the good rate. Or, you can choose to stay somewhere else if you like, but we’ll need to know as soon as possible.



  • Sunday night wine & cheese reception at hotel

• 3 full days of guitar instruction

• Monday-Wednesday lunch and dinner provided

  • Thursday on the river, lunch provided

• One day of guided fishing includes:

Fishing guide

Transportation to and from the river


Fishing gear, tip and license


“When class ended after 3 days, I made a commitment to myself that I would be back for more.”

“The camp was an outstanding experience.”

“Hanging out with Pete & Erin, making new friends, was great fun and a gift I’m glad I gave myself.”

“What a great camp. I learned more in four days than I could have imagined and I had tab and video to take home and work with for months. Did I mention the food? And the fun/ And the camaraderie?”

“The most memorable of the workshops I’ve attended.”